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[Tutorial] Resizing photo and signature for UPSC online application
If you intend to fill the application via online route, the notification requires you to upload 2 photos in a specific size and dimension. It says
Each of the scanned images of the photograph/signature should not exceed 40 KB in size (for photograph, the pixel size is 140 pixels height x110 pixels width and for sign it should be 110 pixels height x140 pixels width) and also to be ensured that the uploaded photograph/signature are proper.
So what to do?
1. First get your passport sized photo scanned , (or if you are getting a new photo, ask the cameraman to copy the photo in a new pendrive / CD.)
2. take a white paper, sign on it using black pen. Now scan that paper.
There are many ways to resize an image. Default MS paint program doesn’t provide some features, so for a hassle-free resizing, download and install Paintdotnet software (free) from following link. (size 3.5MB)
[You can also use gimp, adobe-photoshop, irfanview anything, the principle remains the same.]
Now open the image using paintdotnet.

Once you have resized the image, paintdotnet provides facility to save it with along with an option to change the image-quality so that it meets the 40 kb size restriction.

Still confusion in photo resizing and meeting the 40 kb size limit?
Then do as directed in following video (download size 600 kilobytes)
For signature, do as directed in following video (download size 300 kilobytes)
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