Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Comment: Iran Pakistan India Gas Pipeline in present scenario

The following link gives a glimpse of the scenario arising out of present situation developed between India and Pakistan and its effects on the IPI that is Iran Pakistan India Gas line.

Kindly note that it is an opinion. There is a direct criticism of the government as well as the views of the opposition. Secondly it has relevance for the time being. No one knows what situation will develop say after one year. However, even then, it gives you a perspective on the issue. Kindly use this opinion of Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar, which is popular as Swaminomics in TOI to develop a note on IPI and IndoPak relations.
Sources to be used:

IPI gas pipeline, RIP-Swaminomics-SA Aiyar-Columnists-Opinion-The Times of India


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