Tuesday, 5 April 2011

CTC vesus PRIS: A Debate

A few months back, I got a chance to listen to a young IPS officer who was hardly for three years in service. She passed a very strong remark that the government pays pittance for the quantum of the job they have to perform in the field.

The debate is there that how much a public servant should receive. After the sixth pay commission, there can be questions in interviews about the pay to civil servants and the issue of Performance related incentives. In case of corporate world, where the employees still get more than a civil servant, the basis is cost ratio or the Cost to the Company factor. In interview, this question is generally asked. Most of the magazines put this question to the successful candidates that why they have preferred civil services over the corporate jobs when there is big different in payment of emoluments.

The following link is by Jug Suraiya on such an issue. It is a mere an opinion. But it can be read to form one's own answer for such questions.

Jug Suraiya view at
Juggle-Bandhi:Jug Suraiya's blog-The Times Of India


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