Saturday, 2 April 2011

[Coaching classes review] Bhawani Singh (NIAS),Mohanti (Synergy) & Sunil Gupta of Public Administration

This is not my post. I'm only copy pasting from a thread in IOForum

Floyd Rose said,

Some observations about Mr. Bhawani Singh:

  • 1. He speaks in a regional accent. I could nt understand him.
  • 2. His notes are not easy to understand, esp for a beginner just because the same regional accent is seen in them. There is no logical flow in the sentences. Plz check them and try to understand them and then believe me.
  • 3. His notes are all painted red, just out of the fear that someone doesnt get them xeroxed but they are easily avalbl in the shops.
  • 4. He teaches with the help of a projector. So he wont write anything on the board cuz there is no board at all in the class.
  • 5. Don't know about his conceptual clarity as i was new to the subject at that time.
  • 6. If you enter late in his class, you would get a seat where there will be only a projector screen in front of you and sir would be at the other end of the class - so no eye to eye contact. Just listen and enjoy the screen. I was unsuited to this method cuz all the 20 yrs or so, iv not been accustomed to this method.


About mohanty (i didnt join but this is what my friends tell):

  • 1. Doesnt teach all the topics. concentrates mainly on paper1. confirm from him before joining.
  • 2. Some of the topics are taught by the other teacher and he is not that good.
  • 3. about his test series. there is no process to evaluate the ans sheets. you go, take the test, get the sol and come back and evaluate yourself. No ranking.
  • 4. Test discussions done by some other guy.
  • 5. Test papers are more factual, questions framed from data collected form so many books. As a student you can't get afford to go through all the books. less emphasis on concepts. Test is framed to check how wide knowledge of facts you have. Just see few papers and then believe.
  • 6. he has no time to discuss your doubts. may entertain you initially but not at all afterwards. I think even Shubhra Saxena was critical about this fact.

See, the crux is that there is hardly any teacher who can provide you with everything. It is your own effort that 'll put you ahead. All these are just hell bent on making money. But when this is the only avlble way out, you don't have other ways to think.

Best way out is to go and check and inquire about the teachers and if psbl directly talk to them cuz no fool must pay 20- 30k without interacting with the teacher. See their notes and ask them about their approach and whether they will cover the complete syllabus and who will infact do it.

Don't go by my obs. Verify my observations to be able to believe them. I know many of their students will try to curse me for what iv written but don't blve anyone before you see it frm your eyes. May be i am also wrong.


Epandit's opinion on Mohanti

I attended Mohanty last summer, let me share the experience

  • 1. He teaches mostly paper I, because he believes there isn't much to be taught for paper II. But he devotes about 1 month of classes to paper II.
  • 2. His test series is not that bad either, but its more suitable for a person attending his classes. Initially the papers are more fact based, and marking is easy. But gradually they become more analysis based, and marking gets tougher.
  • 3. His test series papers are evaluated by previous students, not by him.
  • 4. He doesn't provide any solutions to test series papers, only discusses it after some class.
  • 5. His concepts are more or less clear, excepting a few really difficult ones.

Also, don't read much before you attend his classes, you'll be bored, because he repeats the basic concepts many a times.
He doesn't have much time, and is after making a lot of money(and successfully so). So will always be in a hurry, you may not be able to catch him after the class.
But the worst part was his coaching venue, and the inhumane conditions prevailing in the classroom. If electricity goes out, he'll continue teaching, and your only concern will be how not to die of suffocation in a class of > 300. Also for initial 2 months, you'll have to get there at least 1:30 hrs before the class, to get a seat. otherwise you'll get seats where you can't sit even uncomfortably, can make no notes, or you sit outside the class at 45 centigrade, or maybe just stand. This is the case with Karol Bagh center. Things were a little better at mukherjee nagar.

Sunil Gupta's Classes

Floyd's review

sunil gupta, iv heard s also not good. don't know abt his conceptual clarity. talk to his ex-students. see as far as my knowledge is concerned all hell bent on making money. the 3 best are mohanty, bhawani singh and vajiram. but do talk to the teachers before joining to know about everything reg pa. every detail and i mean it. Trust me even the best are not 'the best'.

BMalik's review

Well Sunil Gupta's conceptual clarity is not good...i have joined his mains test his level of discussion and evaluation is pathetic........nd moreover as a proof wen u talk 2 him, jst try to ask any of the recent questions of this year paper and you will find out everything through his naswers.............nd moreover about mohanty and bhawana singh, i also share the same views as floyd..........But jst to ask doesb anyone has any idea abt Mr. Manoj of Rau ias (someone mentioned in one of the posts) about his teaching style, batch strength,etc...








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